Retirement Planning
Retirement is one of the most life transitions many of us will ever experience. From both a personal and financial perspective, realizing a stable retirement is a thorough process that takes thoughtful planning and attentiveness to navigate through lives twists and turns. For too many Americans, retirement seems like a far-off dream, but it doesn't have to be that way for you. Our team of advisers is here to help you make the decisions today that will set you on the path to financial independence.
Life Insurance
When it comes to wealth management and financial planning, one of the most important yet most overlooked products is life insurance. A major reason to acquire life insurance is to protect your family in the case of untimely death. For this reason alone, life insurance is a staple of most Americans’ financial plans. But beyond the traditional “death insurance,” the usefulness of life insurance for advanced medical care planning, estate planning and even retirement income planning is significant. As an individual examines their ideal financial story, in many cases the unexpected value of life insurance planning comes in to view.
College Planning
With the cost of college seemingly ever-increasing, it is important to the opportunities for future graduates and their families in order make college a viable financial option. While for many hefty loans at sometimes high interest rates seems the only option, a steady, planned college savings strategy as part of an over-all financial plan can make an enormous difference.
For many students and their parents, the right mix of scholarships, grants, government loans, private loans and tax-preferential college savings plans can keep the opportunities of college in sight, with the cost of higher education safely in check.
As Americans live longer and the medical industry has more success in keeping ailing people living, planning for advanced medical care and the assisted nursing care that goes with it becomes increasingly important. Planning ahead helps you understand what long-term care service options are available in your local community, what special conditions may apply for receiving services, what long-term care services cost, and what payment options (public and private) apply. Having this information helps ensure you will have a range of options when you need long-term care, and makes it more likely that you will have more choice and control over where and how you receive long-term care services.
The cost of long-term care services often exceeds what the average person can pay from income and other resources. By planning ahead, you may be able to save your assets and income for uses other than long-term care, including preserving the quality of life for your spouse or other loved ones. Planning ahead for long-term care also means less emotional and financial stress on you and your family. It can provide a way to involve your entire family in decisions without depending on them to bear the entire burden alone when the time comes.
Our goal is to help you ensure greater independence should you need long-term care. Your choices for receiving care outside of a long-term care facility and being able to stay at home or receive services in the community for as long as possible are greater the earlier these sensitive issued are included in your overall financial planning.
There are many different ways in which to invest your money and in order to decide which investment vehicles are suitable for you, you need to know their characteristics and why they would fit a particular investing objective. When looking at investing through the lens of financial planning, it is critical to start with the right questions first. Understanding investment types must begin with a “why” then a “what.” Why are we saving this money? How will we eventually use it? With answers to these questions it is much more likely that with the guidance of a qualified Trilogy advisor you can then answer the next question: What types of investments are suited to my ultimate goals and objectives?